Demonstrating Excellence in Safety

Survey Re-Inspection Desk Top Study & Terms of Engagement for Services

Scott Safety Services Ltd

Having completed your initial asbestos survey already you are well on the way to becoming compliant with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR2012).

The initial survey is only half the job when it comes to managing your obligations because once asbestos has been identified there is a legal duty to manage that asbestos (Regulation 4 CAR2012).

A reinspection is an annual legal requirement (at minimum) and could possibly, depending on the type of asbestos, the material type, its location, the degree of damage and the type of occupation, be required more frequently.

During the initial survey (regardless of the type which was carried out) the surveyor may have had difficulty accessing areas (referred to commonly as ‘No Access Areas’), made presumptions or strong presumptions about asbestos materials or it may be that building usage has changed significantly since the original survey.

There is also the possibility that the original survey is outdated (Conducted under the old surveying methodology) and it could be more prudent to carry out a new survey from scratch.

You also have the opportunity as part of the reinspection to carry out the legally required labelling of the asbestos-containing materials if this has not yet taken place.

As you can see, an effective reinspection of your property can really make a difference to the way your asbestos is being managed and it’s perhaps not as simple as just turning up and looking at what’s happened.

A poorly organised reinspection can lead to additional costs and misunderstanding onsite. A planned visit can have potential cost savings and you have the knowledge that the assessment has been conducted in line with current guidance.

We heavily invest in the quality of our work and the systems we use to manage projects and teams.

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Desk Top Study & Terms of Engagement for Survey Services

Please take time to read the following in full and respond as comprehensively as possible where requested to do so, this exercise will ensure that your survey is not compromised and that as much information is obtained from the site assessment as is possible within the scope of published guidelines and ultimately, that your final report is as comprehensive as possible.

1 Can you provide us with a copy of the original report prior to our visit? If so, please email a copy to your point of contact or use [email protected]. We can then review the document and advise on its suitability under the latest guidance. Yes No
2 Do you require any areas originally identified as ‘not access’ inspected? You will need to ensure the areas are available for inspection. This may include keys to locked doors or high access or confined space equipment (we can help with the supply of these services but this will need discussing). Yes No
3 Do you require any materials sampling that were perhaps originally presumed or strongly presumed? Yes No
4 Has building usage changed since the building was initially inspected? This includes changes of use to individual rooms if asbestos materials were present within them. Yes No
5 Do you require the identified asbestos to be labelled? Yes No
6 Has any asbestos been removed since the original survey? Yes No
7 Do you have any additional information/photos/notes which have been prepared in managing the asbestos up to this point? If we conducted the original survey we may already have additional information which will be reviewed prior to our visiting site. Yes No
8 Do you question the validity of your current report? Yes No
9 Do you intend to carry out any works that will disturb the fabric of your building? Yes No
10 Do you require the Priority Risk Assessment Scores to be conducted on your behalf? If so, we will require a discussion with the relevant person onsite who can advise us on room/area usage. Yes No

These questions are designed to be a guide and for us to understand your needs as the duty holder. If you would like to talk this through prior to completing, please call 07375 868 313 and we can help guide you.

On completion of the reinspection, you will be provided with updated register sheets/tables, and if required plans, and certificates of analysis.

In some cases, depending upon review, it is simpler to prepare a new report. We will discuss this with you if this appears to be the simplest option.

It is important to note that unless we carried out the original inspection under our accreditation for ISO17020 UKAS inspection body reference number 7500, it is only our reinspection which will be accredited.

We cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies that may be identified in the original inspection if carried out by other companies.

The following is quoted directly from HSG 264, this document contains the current guidelines for conducting asbestos surveys.

“All ACMs (asbestos containing materials) should be identified as far as is reasonably practicable. The areas inspected should include: underfloor coverings, above false ceilings (ceiling voids), lofts, inside risers, service ducts and lift shafts, basements, cellars, underground rooms, undercrofts (this list is not exhaustive).”

HSG264 goes on to quote:

“The value and usefulness of the survey can be seriously undermined where either the client or the surveyor imposes restrictions on the survey scope or on the techniques/method used by the surveyor. Information on the location of all ACMs, as far as reasonably practicable, is crucial to the risk assessment and development of the management plan. Any restrictions placed on the survey scope will reduce the extent to which ACMs are located and identified, incur delays and consequently make managing asbestos more complex, expensive and potentially less effective.

In management surveys, surveyors should be properly prepared for accessing all reasonably practicable areas in all parts of the building. Potentially difficult to enter areas (including locked rooms etc) should be identified in the planning stage with the dutyholder and arrangements made for access (e.g. MEWPs for work at height, rooms unlocked, doors/corridors unblocked etc). In situations where there is no entry on the day of the survey, a revisit should be made when access will be possible.

Where there are health and safety risks associated with some activities (e.g. height, confined spaces), these should be adequately assessed and arrangements made to control them (see paragraphs 83–91). (and where no other information exists) must be presumed to contain asbestos and be managed on that basis.”

  • Description and use of property (i.e. industrial, office, retail, domestic, education, health care etc).
  • Number of buildings: age, type and construction details.
  • Number of rooms.
  • Any unusual features, underground sections.
  • Details about whether the buildings have been extended, adapted or refurbished, and if they have, when the work was done.
  • Any plant or equipment installed.
  • Whether a listed building, conservation area etc.
  • Extent or scope of survey required (possibly mark details on a site plan or architects' drawings).
  • Whether the surrounding ground and associated buildings or structures are to be included in the scope of the survey.
  • Current plans or drawings of the site.
  • Previous plans, including architects' original drawings and specifications and subsequent plans for major changes and refurbishment.
  • Whether the premises are vacant or occupied.
  • Any restrictions on access.
  • Special requirements or instructions.
  • Responsibility and arrangements for access.
  • Whether survey damage is to be made good (refurbishment/demolition surveys).
  • Site-specific hazards (mechanical, electrical, chemical etc).
  • Responsibility for isolation of services, power, gas, chemicals etc.
  • Working machinery or plant (Including lifts) to be made safe (these are covered in greater detail in step 4).
  • If photos are to be taken.
  • How many bulk samples will be necessary.
  • The location of all services, heating and ventilation ducts, plant rooms, riser shafts and lift shafts.
  • Details of any previous asbestos surveys (Type 1/2/3 Surveys), current asbestos registers and all records of asbestos removal or repairs.
  • Information on possible repairs to ACMs, e.g. pipe/thermal insulation.
  • History of the site: any buildings previously demolished; presence of underground ducts or shafts etc.
  • In pursuance of this it is Scott Safety’s intention to comply with these duties and guide clients through what can be a daunting initial process.

Please can you forward prior to the survey any information you may have on the property in relation to asbestos; this could include previous survey reports, sample analysis certificates, air test certificates or simply your own opinion of the presence of asbestos at your premises to be surveyed.

What is the full scope of the survey (if not already confirmed at the initial point of contact) and why is the survey intended? (In the event that a Management survey has been requested then it is assumed that the survey is simply for compliance purposes, please give us an indication if this is not the case).

Where a Refurbishment/Pre-Demolition survey has been requested then the forwarding of proposed and existing plans should be thought of as mandatory. Preparation of plans for these surveys will be charged at an additional 7% of the survey quotation unless otherwise stated.

Our quotation for these works is based solely on providing a minimum of one qualified and experienced (at least 6 months) asbestos surveyor and the analysis of up to 5 samples at a company-approved, UKAS accredited Laboratory carrying suitable insurances, (you have the option of appointing your own laboratory however they must be UKAS accredited (legal requirement) and you must agree to cover the costs of all sampling and sample analysis) and production of an electronic report in PDF format.

All samples, presumptions and strong presumptions of the presence of asbestos within materials are based on standard sampling strategies as identified within HSG264 and unless otherwise stated additional samples are chargeable at £25+VAT. This is to cover additional laboratory costs.

It is the client’s (your) responsibility to provide safe access to and egress from any rooms/areas/items within the scope of the survey, at the time of the survey, please refer to the following paragraph and read in full, carefully, as misunderstandings at this point in assessing your requirements could lead to no access areas and presumptions being made about the presence of asbestos when it could be easy to accommodate the surveyor at the time of the survey and refute the presence of asbestos.

Please inform us of any: lifts, lift shafts, machinery (live or otherwise), live electrics, high ceiling voids, small access hatches, confined spaces, ceilings/roofs or soffits above 3 meters, locked rooms, rooms with extensive storage or immovable objects, rooms of a sensitive nature, rooms or areas which are unsafe or should not be occupied for whatever reason, risers, boxing, under floor voids or rooms with high occupancy or which may simply be difficult to vacate for the period of that particular areas inspection.

Scott Safety Services Limited recognise fully that these areas should be inspected wherever possible as part of the standard Management Asbestos Survey and where applicable Refurbishment/Pre-Demolition Surveys.

However, we will not attempt to access any of the areas listed above unless notification has been received that provisions have been made for safe access or making good following minor or, as in the case of refurbishment/Pre-Demolition surveys, major, intrusive inspections.

We will endeavour to cooperate at every instance and may even, in most cases, be able to provide any of the required additional services, however, this will be at additional cost and only upon client instruction.

In the event that no information is received back from you (client) in relation to these rooms/areas/items, then presumptions about the presence of asbestos will be made in the report, this could lead to lengthy and difficult-to-manage asbestos sites and reports.

It is also the client’s responsibility to make good any damage which may be caused in pursuance of accessing any of these areas - excluding damage associated with the taking of samples.

When conducting Refurbishment/Pre-Demolition surveys, either at this phase in the proposed works or, upon the discovery of asbestos onsite, there is an occasional requirement for the employment of a licensed asbestos contractor.

This will primarily arise when asbestos has been identified and access beyond the material is required for whatever reason.

Occasions can also arise when asbestos debris is identified prior to or during the survey and small environmental cleans are required in order to proceed safely with the survey. No allowance is made within the original quotation for such works and instruction must be received from the client prior to appointing a contractor.

 It can be economical at this point to identify any of these circumstances as identification on site will almost definitely require the site to be vacated and thus additional costs.